Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Signs someone is giving you bad vibes

People are in situations every day where they have to encounter different people in different situations. Many times, the people that they are surrounded by are people that they don't know very well and have to trust them anyway. This could be places like at your work, while shopping or even listening to someone about a job opportunity. You never know what a person's true intentions are so it is important to keep your guard up and trust your instincts when you pick up bad vibes from people. If you are out shopping for a new vehicle, it is especially important to trust your gut when listening to a salesman. It may be difficult for you to pick up on bad vibes if you are a naturally trusting person, so it is important to look for a few key things when talking to a salesman. If he talks very rapidly and rarely looks you in the eye when giving you details about a car, you should be on guard. When you ask questions and he doesn't answer them directly and brings up different topics about the car, then that could be a sign that he is passing on bad vibes to you and is just trying to sell you a car regardless of your interests. Also, when you are at work you may encounter a co-worker trying to get you to help them with something that is outside your normal job description. While it is a great gesture to offer your assistance for projects, especially at a job, it is important to be sure to check with a supervisor or manager before committing to doing tasks outside of your job description. The co-worker may be in line for a promotion and doesn't want to do the work necessary to get that promotion so they turn to you. You will need to listen to their tone of voice and really take into consideration the reason why they need your help. Helping others out is a great way to show that you can work as a team and show leadership, but always trust your gut if someone is giving off a bad vibe and just using you for their benefit. While it is great to always have a positive attitude and be trusting to people, it is not wise to trust everything people say or do because you don't know their intentions. Always look for signs that the person might not be genuine in what they say and if you are getting any bad vibes at all, then trust your gut and walk away from the situation. It may be impossible to truly know the intentions of strangers, but you should be familiar enough with yourself to know when you feel uncomfortable in a situation. Just trust your instincts and you will feel better about yourself knowing that you didn't fall for anything that could hurt you in any way. For more on working with vibes, click here for psychic lessons and psychic answers.

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